

Applicable Scope


The Brochure on Foreigner's Work Permit in China is applicable to application and issuing of work permits for foreigners employed by employers established within the territory of the People's Republic of China and in accordance with its law, with the relevant employers and foreigners as parties to be reviewed and approved.


Policy Bases


1. Administrative License Law of the People's Republic of China



2. The Exit and Entry Administration Law of the People's Republic of China

Article 41 of the Exit and Entry Administration Law of the People's Republic of China: foreigners who work in China shall obtain work permits and work-type residence permits in accordance with relevant regulations. No entities or individuals shall employ foreigners who have no work permits or work-type residence permits.



3. The Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Administration of the Entry and Exit of Foreigners

Article 7 of the Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Administration of the Entry and Exit of Foreigners: to apply for the R visa, the applicant shall meet the qualification and requirements set by the competent authorities of the Chinese government for inviting foreign high-end talents and specialists in urgent need and short supply, and the applicant shall, in accordance with relevant provisions, submit the relevant certification documents; to apply for the Z visa, the applicant shall, in accordance with relevant provisions, submit the work permit and other certification documents. Article 16: to apply for a residence permit for work, the applicant shall submit such certification documents as a work permit; in the case of foreign high-end talents and specialists in urgent need and short supply, the applicant shall submit relevant certification documents in accordance with relevant provisions.


4. Letter of Opinions on the Integration of Work Permit for Foreigners by the Office for Administrative Examination and Approval System Reform under State Council (SGBH [2015] No. 95)


Acceptance Institution


Application Requirements


1. 依法设立,无严重违法失信记录;聘用外国人从事的文位应是有特殊需要,国内暂缺适当人选,旦不违反国家有关规定的岗位;支付所聘用外国人的工资、薪金不得低于当地最低工资标准。

2. 法律法规规定应由行业主管部门前置审批的,需经过批准。

1. Requirements for Employers

(1) Employers shall be established in accordance with the law, and have no records of serious violation of laws and dishonesty; the positions for foreigners shall be those with special needs, with no appropriate candidates currently in China and in line with related Chinese provisions; wages and salaries paid for foreign employees shall be no less than the local minimum wage.

(2) Employers subject to preliminary review of industrial competent departments shall attain their approval.


1. 应年满18周岁,身体健康,无犯罪记录,境内有确定的用人单位,具有从事其工作所必需的专业技能或相适应的知识水平。

2. 所从事的工作符合我国经济社会发展需要,为国内急需紧缺的专业人员。

3. 法律法规对外国人来华工作另有规定的,从其规定。

2. Requirements for Applicants

(1) Applicants shall be no less than 18 years old, in good health, have no criminal records, be equipped with professional skills or adequate expertise, and have received definite offer from employers in China.

(2) They shall be professionals in urgent need in China and their work shall meet the requirements of China's economic and social development.

(3) Where the laws and regulations on foreigners working in China provide otherwise, such provisions shall prevail.



3. High-end Foreign Talents (Category A)

High-level foreign talents refer to scientists, scientific and technological leaders, international entrepreneurs, specialized and special talents and other professionals who meet the requirements of high-end and urgently-needed talents, demanded in market, and urgently needed by China to fuel its economic and social development. Those talents shall not be limited by age, educational background and work experience.



4. Foreign Professional Talents (Category B)

Foreign professionals refer to personnel who satisfy the guidance catalogue for foreigners working in China as well as relevant job requirements, and are urgently needed for China's economic and social development. Such professionals shall have a bachelor's degree or above and work experience of two years or above, aged less than 60 years old. Where China has regulations on specialized personnel and personnel for government projects, such regulations shall prevail.


Catalogue of Application Materials


1. 账号注册


1. List of Application Materials

(1) Account Registration

Information registration form, certificate of legal registration, identification papers of the person in charge and the handling person, and documents of industrial permit.

2. 申请《中华人民共和国外国人工作许可通知》


(1) Application for Notification Letter of Foreigner's Work Permit in the People's Republic of China

Application form for foreigner's work permit in China, work experience confirmation letter, the highest academic degree certificate or relevant approval document, professional qualification certificate, non-criminal record certificate, certificate of physical examination, employment contract or certificate of employment (including the dispatch letter by a multinational company), the applicant's passport or international travel document, bareheaded and full-faced photo of the applicant taken within the past six months, and supporting documents of the accompanying family members.

3. 申领《中华人民共和国外国人工作许可证》


(2) Application for Foreigner's Work Permit in the People's Republic of China

Visa held by the applicant (Z visa or R visa), employment contract, and certificate of physical examination.

4. 申请外国人来华工作许可延期


(3) Application for Extension of Foreigner's Work Permit

Application form for extension of foreigner's work permit, employment contract or certificate of employment, visa or valid residence permit, and Foreigner's Work Permit.

5. 申请外国人来华工作许可变更


(4) Application for Change of Foreigner's Work Permit

Application form for change of foreigner's work permit, and documentary evidences of the items applied for change.

6. 申请外国人来华工作许可注销


(5) Application for Cancellation of Foreigner's Work Permit

Application form for cancellation of foreigner's work permit, and documentary evidences for termination of contract, expiration of contract or other materials supporting reasons for cancellation.

7. 申请《外国人工作许可证》补办


(6) Application for Re-issuance of Foreigner's Work Permit

Application form for re-issuance of foreigner's work permit, and explanation for the loss or damage by the applicant.



2. Submission of Application Materials

The employer submits the information online. After the preliminary examination and

approval by the relevant institution, the employer or its entrusted service agency shall present the original written materials to the acceptance institution for on-site verification. Once the materials pass the on-site verification, the Foreigner's Work Permit shall be issued.


Reception of Application



1. Submission of Information Online

Log in the government services platform of Ministry of Science and Technology of the People's Republic of China.



2. Verification of Written Materials

Xian Municipal Bureau of Science and Technology, Science and Technology Bureau of Xixian New Area, Administration Examination and Approval Service Bureau of Xian High-Tech Industries Development Zone, Science and Technology Bureau of Xian Economic and Technological Development Zone Administrative Committee, Economy Development Bureau of Xian International Trade & Logistics Park Administrative Committee.


Flowchart of Application









(1)用人单位基本条件 依法设立,无严重违法失信记录;聘用外国人从事的岗位应是有特殊需要,国内暂缺适当人选,且不违反国家有关规定的岗位;支付所聘用外国人的工资、薪金不得低于当地最低工资标准。法律法规规定应由行业主管部门前置审批的,需经过批准。 (2)申请人基本条件 应年满18周岁,身体健康,无犯罪记录,境内有确定的用人单位,具有从事其工作所必需的专业技能或相适应的知识水平。所从事的工作符合我国经济社会发展需要,为国内急需紧缺的专业人员。法律法规对外国人来华工作另有规定的,从其规定。...


按照《国家外国专家局 人力资源社会保障部 外交部 公安部 关于全面实施外国人来华工作许可制度的通知》(外专发〔2017〕40号),申请办理外国人来华工作许可时,平均工资收入不低于本地区上年度社会平均工资收入6倍的外籍人才符合外国高端人才(A类)认定标准;平均工资收入不低于本地区上年度社会平均工资收入4倍的外籍人才符合外国专业人才(B类)认定标准。







东莞市外国人来华工作许可申办指引——外国人工作许可证 注销业务申办指引(2023-10-08




