

Foreign experts who stay in China for no more than 90 days, also meet the requirements of foreign high-end talents (Class A) or relevant national regulations can apply for an invitation letter for foreign experts to come to China and apply for a F certificate for them who stay in China for no more than 90 days (inclusive); Foreign experts who stay in China for more than 90 days are deemed to be working and must go through visa and residence procedures in accordance with the provisions of foreign experts working in China.


1. 外国专家来华邀请函申请表(在线填写打印,申请人签字后,加盖用人单位公章,再上传至系统)

2. 工作合同、项目合同(包括申请人姓名、国籍、工作地点、工作期限、工作内容,并列明所有工作地点和入境次数)

3. 申请人护照或国际旅行证件(信息页)

4. 其他(符合外国高端人才(A类)的证明材料)

The invitation letter of foreign experts to China needs to be submitted on Foreigner Integrated Service Management Platform, and the following materials should be uploaded:

1. Application form for invitation letter of foreign experts (fill in and print online, sign by the applicant, affix the official seal of the employer, and then upload it to the system)

2. Work contract and project contract (including the applicant's name, nationality, work place, work period, work content, and all work places and times of entry)

3. Applicant's passport or international travel document (information page)

4. Others (certification materials conforming to foreign high-end talents (Class A))






用人单位基本条件 1.依法设立,无严重违法失信记录;聘用外国人从事的岗位应是有特殊需要,国内暂缺适当人选,且不违反国家有关规定的岗位;支付所聘用外国人的工资、薪金不得低于当地最低工资标准; 2.法律法规规定应由行业主管部门前置审批的,需经过批准。...
