

China Visa Service Platform





On August 3rd, the Ministry of Public Security held a special press conference on "Service Guarantee for High Quality Development" to report on the research and development of several measures for ensuring high-quality development of public security organs by the Ministry of Public Security. 


In recent years, the Ministry of Public Security and the National Immigration Administration have conscientiously implemented the decisions and deployment of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, successively issued a large number of immigration management policies and measures to support the high-quality development of key regions of the country, facilitate the production and operation of enterprises, and constantly optimized the business environment, served the economic and social development, and achieved good results. Since the implementation of "Class B and Class B control" for novel coronavirus infection in China, the exit and entry policy has been fully restored, and international personnel exchanges have gradually returned to normal. Some domestic enterprises and foreigners have a realistic and urgent need to quickly apply for visas and facilitate business activities in China. In order to comply with the business rules and help domestic export-oriented enterprises "go out" and "bring in", the Ministry of Public Security and the National Immigration Administration decided to provide foreign businessmen with port visas and domestic visa renewal facilities. This measure will further promote cross-border trade personnel exchanges, facilitate foreign trade personnel to carry out trade cooperation, investigation and negotiation and other business activities in China smoothly and efficiently, help domestic enterprises seize the opportunity, seize orders, expand the international market, seize the opportunity in the new round of industrial revolution, better ensure the circulation of international personnel elements, and maintain the safety and stability of the industrial chain Supply chain security. 


What are the expected results of implementing the policy measures of "exemption from passport retention for foreigners applying for residence permits"?


According to current regulations, when applying for a residence permit in China, foreigners should submit their passport to the entry and exit management department of the public security organ for review and return it upon receiving the residence permit. With the improvement of informatization, standardization and standardization of immigration management services, the Ministry of Public Security and the National Immigration Administration have taken the initiative to respond to the practical needs of the convenient application of passports for foreigners in China and decided to introduce the convenience measures of "foreigners applying for residence certificates are exempt from retaining passports". This measure focuses on permanent foreigners who work, study, research, invest, innovate and start businesses, and visit their families in China, making it convenient for them to continue to carry out social affairs such as travel, accommodation, taxation, banking, and mailing with their passports during the application for residence documents. This move is expected to benefit at least 700000 people annually, which will help create a more efficient and convenient business environment and a relaxed and friendly foreign-related environment, further stimulate market vitality, and promote high-level openness and high-quality development. 


